937 lượt xem
1. Alan Wake
2. Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag
3. Assassins Creed Revelations
4. Battlefield 3
5. Bayonetta
6. Ben 10 Ultimate Alien
7. Bioshock Infinite
8. Borderlands The Pre Sequel
9. Burnout
10. Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warface
11. Call Of Duty Black Ops 2
12. Call of Duty Black Ops
13. Cars 3 Driven To Win
14. Clash of the Titans
15. Crash Bandicoot Mind
16. Dantes Inferno
17. Dark Souls 2
18. Dead Island Riptide
19. Dead Risind 2 OffRecord
20. Devil May Cry 4
21. Diablo III
22. Dragon Ball Sagaz
23. Dragon Ball Z Budokai
24. Dragonball Xenoverse
25. Far Cry 3
26. Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Returns
27. Final Fantasy XIII-2
28. Forza 4
29. Gears Of War 3
30. Grand Theft Auto 4
31. Grand Theft Auto 5
32. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
33. Half-Life 2
34. Halo 3
35. Halo 4
36. Halo Combat
37. Hitman HD Trilogy
38. Injustice Among
39. Left 4 Dead GOTY
40. Left 4 Dead 2
41. Max Payne 3
42. Metal Gear Rising – Revengeance
43. Mortal Kombat Complete Edition
44. Mutants in Manhattan
45. Naruto Shippuden Storm Revolution
46. Naruto Ultimate Storm 3
47. NBA 2K18
48. Need For Speed Hot Pruit
49. Need For Speed Rivals
50. Need Forr Speed Most Wanted
51. Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge
52. Ninja Gaiden II
53. Payday 2
54. PES 18
55. PES 2017
56. Plant Vs Zombies
57. Power Samurai Kinect
58. Prince Of Persia
59. Red Dead Goty
60. Resident Evil 6
61. Resident.Evil 0 HD
62. Rise of Tomb Raider
63. Saints Row Gat out of Hell
64. Saints Row IV
65. Sniper Elite III
66. Soulcalibur V
67. Spider Man Web of Shadows
68. Tekken 6
69. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
70. Virtual Tenis 4
71. Gears2Latino.Fertinga
72. Ultra Street Fighter IV
73. Skyrim
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